Gynecomastia is a condition that occurs in men that is characterized by excess
fat on the chest. It is often caused by a hormonal imbalance, and while it is
not considered dangerous, it can detract from the appearance of a man's chest
since the excess fat may watch out of place. The problem goes away alone after
the hormones become balanced sometimes, though medication could be needed in a
few full cases. However, gynecomastia surgery is necessary for individuals who
usually do not resolve this unbalance occasionally. Gynecomastia, or (man
boobs), may be the development of large mammary glands in males leading to
breast enlargement abnormally. Studies show that certain from every three
adolescents and adult men have or had Gynecomastia within their
Self administered and abused anabolic testosterone and steroids supplementation are, unfortunately, essentially the most common reason behind gynecomastia today- special enzymes in the male system convert adequate the "extra" hormones into estrogens which in turn directly stimulate the growth of the breast tissue and the development of gynecomastia. Unfortunately, once this technique starts, once the steroids are discontinued even, the gynecomastia remains or can worsen because the vicious cycle described above begins and allows the gynecomastia to persist and progress. Alcohol, amphetamines, marijuana, heroin and methadone use are named factors behind gynecomastia also.
Another method, that is referred to as the vertical pattern breast reduction, results in less scarring in comparison with the one mentioned previously. Here, incisions are created round the areola (small circular area round the nipple), and downwards to the breast crease vertically. This process is less invasive, and doesn't have much of an impact on the glandular tissue of the breasts, when compared with the aforementioned method. However , with regards to large-sized breasts, this procedure does not seem to provide reliable results. Also, it may take longer to heal. Klinefelter syndrome, in which men have XXY chromosome, instead of XY also causes men to have female features.
Interestingly, malnutrition and starvation can also cause gynecomastia - circulating testosterone levels drop off rapidly, leaving unopposed estrogen effects on the body under such conditions. In addition, the ultrasonic or laser energy can be used to " break up " the dense breast tissue, allowing it to compress, collapse and flatten as is aesthetically desired.
If all fails, then as the last resort, you will have to opt for surgery. There are many types of surgeries that are done to treat gynecomastia. The first one is liposuction, which removes breast fat and not the breast gland tissue. The other surgery is mastectomy in which the breast gland tissue is removed. Along with these surgeries, skin sculpture may be done. However , if the cause of the problem has not been treated, then even after surgery breasts may grow again. Also, surgeries are very expensive and since they are considered a cosmetic surgery, they're not covered under insurance mostly. The surgery can cost you ranging from $3500 to $7000. Following the surgery you will be necessary to wear a compression vest for approximately 4-5 weeks, till it heals completely. Discuss all possibilities with the physician, before you undergo surgery.
Self administered and abused anabolic testosterone and steroids supplementation are, unfortunately, essentially the most common reason behind gynecomastia today- special enzymes in the male system convert adequate the "extra" hormones into estrogens which in turn directly stimulate the growth of the breast tissue and the development of gynecomastia. Unfortunately, once this technique starts, once the steroids are discontinued even, the gynecomastia remains or can worsen because the vicious cycle described above begins and allows the gynecomastia to persist and progress. Alcohol, amphetamines, marijuana, heroin and methadone use are named factors behind gynecomastia also.
Another method, that is referred to as the vertical pattern breast reduction, results in less scarring in comparison with the one mentioned previously. Here, incisions are created round the areola (small circular area round the nipple), and downwards to the breast crease vertically. This process is less invasive, and doesn't have much of an impact on the glandular tissue of the breasts, when compared with the aforementioned method. However , with regards to large-sized breasts, this procedure does not seem to provide reliable results. Also, it may take longer to heal. Klinefelter syndrome, in which men have XXY chromosome, instead of XY also causes men to have female features.
Interestingly, malnutrition and starvation can also cause gynecomastia - circulating testosterone levels drop off rapidly, leaving unopposed estrogen effects on the body under such conditions. In addition, the ultrasonic or laser energy can be used to " break up " the dense breast tissue, allowing it to compress, collapse and flatten as is aesthetically desired.
If all fails, then as the last resort, you will have to opt for surgery. There are many types of surgeries that are done to treat gynecomastia. The first one is liposuction, which removes breast fat and not the breast gland tissue. The other surgery is mastectomy in which the breast gland tissue is removed. Along with these surgeries, skin sculpture may be done. However , if the cause of the problem has not been treated, then even after surgery breasts may grow again. Also, surgeries are very expensive and since they are considered a cosmetic surgery, they're not covered under insurance mostly. The surgery can cost you ranging from $3500 to $7000. Following the surgery you will be necessary to wear a compression vest for approximately 4-5 weeks, till it heals completely. Discuss all possibilities with the physician, before you undergo surgery.